On Feb 15, 2024, The Nature Conservancy announced it had acquired the Gregorie Neck, a 4,400 acre property in Yemasee for $35 million. This was one of the largest undeveloped tracts of waterfront property in the Sound watershed, along the banks of the Coosawhatchie and Tulifiny rivers. Part of the funding to purchase the property was obtained through the Department of Defense Readiness Environmental Protection Integration Program (REPI) program as the property is also within the Lowcountry Sentinel Landscape boundary. Beaufort-based Open Land Trust will manage the conservation easement for the property, which will permanently limit development to no more than six homesteads. Once that easement is in place, the conservancy plans to sell off the property to buyers bound by the set terms. Read more about the deal and the significance of Gregorie Neck HERE.
4,400 acre Gregorie Neck in PRS watershed conserved
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