Ways to Give

Your help makes a big impact

Your donation helps the Port Royal Sound Foundation to inspire and cultivate stewardship of the Sound for today and for generations to come. We count on the generosity of people like you to support our work. You can donate in person, by phone or online.

Annual Giving

Annual gifts to the Foundation support the Maritime Center, educational programming, monthly operations and exciting plans for the future. We welcome cash donations as well as gifts of real estate, securities, estate bequests, gifts from private foundations, and those in honor or in memory of loved ones. We also accept gifts from donor-advised funds.

Community Business Partners

Businesses can support the community through the Port Royal Sound Foundation. Sponsorship of exhibits, events and even school field trips enhances the Maritime Center experience and shows the community that you support the Sound.

Planned Giving

Creative gifts of assets such as stocks, bonds, and property can provide you with charitable deductions, can offer additional tax savings, and in some cases can return income to you or loved ones. Contact us at 834-645-7774 for more information

Naming & Sponsorship

Thousands of visitors have enjoyed the Maritime Center and its many exhibits highlighting the Sound’s amazing gifts. We offer naming opportunities for current and planned exhibits, rooms, and future projects, as well as sponsorships for educational programming at the Center.

Grants & Foundation Gifts

We pursue grants to help cover our operating and program expenses. We welcome partnerships with other foundations to achieve shared goals and support our community.

Donor Recognition

The Port Royal Sound Foundation recognizes donations by giving ranges in the Maritime Center. Ask us how we can help you or your company receive recognition for your role in protecting our environment.

Maritime Center

(annual support)

$1,000 to $9,999

Preservation Circle


$10,000 to $49,999

Benefactor Circle


$50,000 to $99,999

Chairman's Circle


$100,000 to $499,999

Legacy Circle


$500,000 and more

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