Life in the Port Royal Sound Watershed

Unlike most estuaries, the Port Royal Sound receives limited freshwater and sediment inputs from larger river systems, making it essentially an inland sea with tremendous food sources and habitat for all forms of life. With its deep salty water and extensive salt marsh, the Port Royal Sound is considered one of the most productive ecosystems in the world, which means that the plant and animal life is richer here than most places on Earth. Use this Port Royal Sound Field Guide to explore some of the many species that consider this system home for at least some part of its life cycle.

Species Categories
No results found
Species Categories
Amphibian (9)
Birds (9)
Fish (6)
Mammal (6)
Marine Invertebrate (6)
Plants (5)
Reptile (5)
Terrestrial Invertebrate (5)
Conservation Status
No results found
Not Evaluated (20)
S1 - Critically Imperiled (2)
S2 - Imperiled (7)
S3 - Vulnerable (8)
S4-5 - Secure (14)

Did You Know?

Super Salt Marshes

The Port Royal Sound watershed includes more than 200,000 acres of salt marshes – about half of the marshland in the state! Salt marsh is an incredibly important ecosystem — it provides food and habitat for species that live in and along the water, and an acre can store (sequester) more carbon than an acre of the Amazon Forest!